Politics Now
Aug. 22, 2017View email in browser

Editorial: What will Bannon's departure mean for Trump?

Chicago Tribune

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Commentary: Don't confuse 'antifa' for the good guys just because they hate the bad guys

Orlando Sentinel

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Commentary: Confederate monuments represent more than racial divide

The Baltimore Sun

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Column: The difference between George Washington and Robert E. Lee

The Morning Call

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Column: While we're toppling offensive symbols, what about the Democratic Party?

Chicago Tribune

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Column: Is there anyone left willing to defend the president?

Los Angeles Times

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Column: Trump has done much to deflate pretensions of presidency

The Morning Call

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Column: Two parties and a president, all at sea

The Baltimore Sun

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Commentary: How can Trump not stand up for his family?

Hartford Courant

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Commentary: Single-payer — dream, nightmare or status quo?

South Florida | Sun Sentinel

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