Politics Now
Aug. 10, 2017View email in browser

Commentary: Trump's 'fire and fury' — Not quite apocalypse now

Los Angeles Times

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Editorial: Trump sinks to Kim's level

The Baltimore Sun

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Column: Why U.S. must continue naval exercises near Korean Peninsula

The Morning Call

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Column: Maybe Trump the dealmaker should read his own book

Chicago Tribune

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Editorial: Leaks undermine Trump's tales, not national security

South Florida | Sun Sentinel

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Column: Melania, make him stop, please

Hartford Courant

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Commentary: Who are you calling a 'warmonger'?

Los Angeles Times

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Commentary: Stop obsessing over Trump's golf outings

South Florida | Sun Sentinel

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Commentary: Russia sanctions reveal U.S. hypocrisy

The Baltimore Sun

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Editorial: Emanuel v. Trump — the sanctuary city case

Chicago Tribune

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