Tronc Election 2016

Why did the election go the way it did, how is the country responding to the outcome and what is needed to move this country forward.

November 22, 2016 View email in browser

Editorial: While you were busy reading the 'Hamilton' debate, Trump was making decisions about his largest business investments outside North America

The President-elect's weekend tweets were hardly his worst transgressions of late. The real doozy of the weekend escaped most public notice. | The Baltimore Sun

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Opinion: Advice for President-elect Trump: Take a cue from Washington and take a road trip.

If Trump really wants to be the president of all Americans, he should start by reaching out, not through Twitter, but by actually visiting them where they live. | Orlando Sentinel

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Column: Stop sweating the small stuff. If everything is met with outrage, it dilutes the things we should truly be outraged by

Trump kept many of us in a perpetual state of outrage for the past year, and he has continued to do what he does best. | Chicago Tribune

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Op-Ed: If we don't like what happens to America after the election, we fight it. We don't run and hide.

Everyone is walking around like it's the end of civilization. It's not. We've been through far worse. | Los Angeles Times

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Editorial: As the nation roils with unrest and hate crimes, it's not enough to simply say, 'stop it'

Trump should take to social media to denounce the hundreds of racial incidents that have occurred since his election. | Sun-Sentinel

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Opinion: A Muslim immigrant registry invokes memories of the internment of Japanese-Americans following the attack on Pearl Harbor

America is better than its darkest moments. Its government must prove that to its public again. | San Diego Union-Tribune

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Commentary: A boiler-plate corporate welcome letter for the newly hired president-elect

To get you up to speed for your Jan. 20 start date, here is an overview of the people you will be working for. For brevity, we will call them "Americans." | Chicago Tribune

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Op-Ed: Latino voters rejected the Republicans but they weren't crazy about the Democrats either.

The Clinton campaign hoped to create a Latino 'firewall' using Trump's ugly rhetoric as a rallying cry. But the long-term community work was missing. | Los Angeles Times

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Editorial: Rick Santorum - The Republican majority must join Trump to deliver for working families

Now it is time for President-elect Trump to deliver for these families who put their faith in him. | The Morning Call

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Orlando Sentinel Orlando Sentinel Orlando Sentinel Orlando Sentinel
Orlando Sentinel Orlando Sentinel Orlando Sentinel Orlando Sentinel Orlando Sentinel

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