Politics Now
July 11, 2017 View email in browser

Commentary: A Muslim and a Jew urge the Supreme Court to strike down the Muslim ban

Los Angeles Times

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Column: Trump's dangerous thirst for a clash of civilizations

Orlando Sentinel

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Column: Trump's trade threats appear to be working — for now

The Morning Call

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Column: Trump, Christie two obtuse birds of a feather

The Baltimore Sun

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Commentary: Trump and Putin's lovefest was mutually beneficial

Chicago Tribune

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Commentary: Don't paint all Trump backers as idiots and fools

South Florida | Sun Sentinel

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Commentary: Trump cruelty could obscure his 'wins'

Hartford Courant

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Column: In Europe, Trump almost sounded like an adult

Los Angeles Times

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Commentary: The right way to play China card on North Korea

The Morning Call

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Editorial: Trump's voter fraud commission goes from folly to farce

The San Diego Union-Tribune

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