Politics Now
Aug. 1, 2017View email in browser

Commentary: Why GOP failed to deliver on promise to repeal, replace Obamacare

The Morning Call

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Column: Mitch McConnell, architect of failure

Los Angeles Times

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Commentary: Five ways Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan can recover

Hartford Courant

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Column: John McCain revives his maverick label

The Baltimore Sun

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Editorial: After repeal's rejection, go bipartisan on health care

Orlando Sentinel

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Commentary: Will Donald Trump be the last Republican president?

Chicago Tribune

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Commentary: How to stop the Russia investigation

South Florida | Sun Sentinel

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Commentary: When Trump axed the arms-for-rebels program in Syria, he was just doing the right thing

Los Angeles Times

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Column: Bob Haldeman's widow on the perils of power in the White House

The Morning Call

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Commentary: Diminishing presidential power is good

Hartford Courant

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