Politics Now
Aug. 3, 2017View email in browser

Commentary: Mooch's 10 days that didn't change the world

Orlando Sentinel

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Column: John Kelly is President Trump's cry for help

The Morning Call

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Column: Does carrying a gun make you safer? No. In fact, right-to-carry laws increase violent crime

Los Angeles Times

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Column: Trump's 'law-and-order' pose undermines law and order

Chicago Tribune

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Editorial: Trump's behavior warrants GOP rebuke

South Florida | Sun Sentinel

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Commentary: The president is not the enemy — but guess who is?

Orlando Sentinel

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Column: Trump reeling from loss on Affordable Care Act

The Baltimore Sun

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Editorial: Bailout talk poisons the efforts to fix Obamacare problems

Los Angeles Times

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Commentary: Burqas on a bus? This viral photo shows anti-Muslim rhetoric run amok

The San Diego Union-Tribune

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Commentary: Can we just dump Trump somewhere?

South Florida | Sun Sentinel

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